Gentle, dynamic, therapeutic. Bowen is painless, non-invasive, effective treatment for back, necks/shoulders and other injuries plus stress, respiratory, digestive, hormonal and childhood disorders.
HypnoBirthing - Birth the Calm way. The world's leading antenatal hypnosis course is tried and trusted by thousands of women. Learn with Sarah, experienced certified educator.
Energetic cleansing of houses. Bach Flowers consultations for children and adults. Energy Healing for people for improved energy. All my services can be done remotely.
FISU Meditation is a non-denominational, non-sectarian, non-profit organisation that teaches the art of Meditation and Spiritual Unfoldment at 80 branches.
Integrated Holistic Therapies. Acupuncture, cranio-sacral therapy, nutritional therapy, homeopathy, massage, indian head massage, hypnotherapy, reflexology, psychotherapy, yoga.
Spiritual Healing can help on emotional, mental, spiritual or physical levels. The intention being to bring about a sense of balance or state of ease.