Energetic cleansing of houses. Bach Flowers consultations for children and adults. Energy Healing for people for improved energy. All my services can be done remotely.
Integrated Holistic Therapies. Acupuncture, cranio-sacral therapy, nutritional therapy, homeopathy, massage, indian head massage, hypnotherapy, reflexology, psychotherapy, yoga.
HypnoBirthing - Birth the Calm way. The world's leading antenatal hypnosis course is tried and trusted by thousands of women. Learn with Sarah, experienced certified educator.
FISU Meditation is a non-denominational, non-sectarian, non-profit organisation that teaches the art of Meditation and Spiritual Unfoldment at 80 branches.
Gentle, dynamic, therapeutic. Bowen is painless, non-invasive, effective treatment for back, necks/shoulders and other injuries plus stress, respiratory, digestive, hormonal and childhood disorders.
Spiritual Healing can help on emotional, mental, spiritual or physical levels. The intention being to bring about a sense of balance or state of ease.